I’m a Certified Digital Designer!

I did it! I took Jessica Sprague’s “Art of Digital Design” class, submitted my design portfolio, took the exam, held my breath for a few months and checked my email today and found this certificate waiting for me! Woot! I am now a “Certified Digital Designer”! (check back later, there’ll be a blog train with my first mini kit available for free!).

AoD Certificate

I want to say a huge thank you to both Jessica Sprague who taught the class and Carina Gardner who reviewed my portfolio (and taught one week of class). It was a fabulous class and I’m so pleased I was one of the first students to take it. Fabulous experience and I’m sorry it had to end. It was so well presented, so practical and so thorough! They covered everything in depth. And I am so relieved I passed!

Well, that’s it from me! Check back soon – my blog train mini kit will be up soon!

